Unheard of Results… By Doing This!

Episode 55

This is a must listen for every MLO in the country and especially for any LO’s that have been at this career for many years who may be a little bewildered on what to do to not only get back to what they’re used to, but want to outpace their best years ever. So tune in and take notes and get started. 

Click here or go to MeetUpWithSteve.com to talk with Steve about how to find clarity around what you need to do to achieve your business goals to build a life of freedom.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at frankcall.com.

This 2 Year LO Has Staggering Success

Episode 54

It makes no sense to some LO’s that an originator who got into the business during the 2021 refinance boom would be here in 2023 doing more purchase business than many LO’s that have been in the business for 20+ years. It will make sense however when you tune in and hear Tom Kalagher’s story. Tune in, take notes, and get to it!

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit DailySuccessPlan.com.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at frankcall.com.

You Don’t Understand My Area

Episode 53

“The agents in my area are different.” We hear it all the time, but what we’ve not only found, but

actually proven is that this simply is NOT the case at all.
In this episode, Frank goes into some detail on how we know for a fact that agents aren’t one way in one area and a different way in another, and even better, he shows you how the Daily Success Plan overcomes every “what are you going to do for me” objection. So tune in, take notes and enjoy.

If you want to learn more about the DSP, tune into The Loan Officer Breakfast Club every Monday-Thursday morning and schedule a totally free call at DailySuccessPlan.com.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at frankcall.com.

This Is Unfair to Most Loan Officers, But Not Claudia Nogan

Episode 52

The money is always in the follow-up. If you don’t believe it, tune in and see how Claudia Nogan has been converting open house goers into deals that have already been pre-approved by other lenders. 

You may feel that this isn’t fair, but I would say to you that you should have stayed in touch; it’s not that hard. Not only that, but she can then hand that borrower off to her referral partners, who invited her to their open house. 

Claudia and her team are making a big impact in their local market, and we can all learn from it. So, tune in, take notes, and get after it!

You can reach out to Claudia here: cnogan@mlbmortgage.com

Click here to join our live, completely FREE Zoom call meetings for Loan Officers every

Monday-Thursday morning!

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at frankcall.com.