From “Ralphs” to Riches

Episode 27

Welcome back to another episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast hosted by Frank Garay, bringing you the latest gizmos, gadgets & more!

Today we talk with Stephen Moye, a loan originator out of San Diego, who has been in the mortgage industry since 1996.  

Starting off as a grocery store clerk to now a mortgage industry guru who has made both the Scotsman Guide and Mortgage Executive Monthly top originators list in 2020 and 2021. 

Stephen is on track to repeat the business he did last year and has some great tips for us in going forward in a bold way.  He is worth listening to for sure! Tune in to hear how he stands by his mindset of “selling the next deal.” 

Learn more ways to move forward that works for today’s market. Jump on a 1 on 1 coaching call here (completely free of charge) and let’s work on a strategy for your business.

“Stick your head in the sand and follow the plan”

Episode 26

Welcome back to another episode of Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, with your host Frank Garay. 

Today, Frank explains that the time is now to welcome the shift in the market, not worry about it.  It was only 2 months ago that we were all wishing there was less buyer competition and more inventory. 

Now that loan officers are here, it seems like some have forgotten what they were wishing for. The shift in the market has exposed our problem, mainly because we either don’t have a plan at all, or the plan we thought we had simply doesn’t work. 

There’s never been a better time to ignore the news and work a solid plan. So, let’s stick our head in the sand and follow the plan.

Let’s hop on a call here and set a plan in motion for you.

Listing Booster 2.0 Now with Built-In VA Calls to Your Agents

Episode 25

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, Frank Garay is joined by Kevin Bilberry with Listing Booster 2.0. 

Many times, as loan officers, we pay for a product and begin to implement it for a certain amount of time and then we get busy, and it drops off our to-do list. 

But – with this program, the problem is solved. Get this, when you sign up, it includes Virtual Assistant calls to reach out to the real estate agents and engage with referral partners for you. That means you can pay for this product and be confident in knowing that the effort won’t drop off. Implementation of a product you pay for as a loan officer is so critical.  Welcome to Listing Booster 2.0 – Tune in to see how it works.  

And the best part is…if you’re part of Mortgage Marketing Animals, you get a discount using the code:  MMA – your membership will be verified, and you’ll be good to go!

Learn more ways to streamline your processes and make things easier than you’ve ever imagined. Jump on a call here and we will let you in on many more.

Designed Conversations That Work

Episode 24

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, Frank Garay is joined by Steve Kyles, a top producing branch manager and a partner here with The Mortgage Marketing Animals coaching program.

Steve is known as “the master of scripting” throughout the mortgage industry. He refers to these scripts as “designed conversations” since they are created to be real and effective in communicating with realtors and clients. Tune in to hear how Steve goes about designing these amazing conversations that deserves every originator’s attention.

Get more designed conversations today by jumping on a call with one of our team members – schedule for FREE right here.

Building Blocks for Increasing Your Audience

Episode 22

Welcome to what was originally Loan Officer Gizmos and Gadgets – and is now ‘Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast.’ I’m so excited to be able to share not only gizmos and gadgets for loan officers, but also SO much more!

Today, we talk about how building an audience can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.  You just need the right strategy and the right resources to make it quick and easy.  The benefits of not only building a new audience, but even more importantly, building upon your existing audience are off the charts.  

My guest, Stefan Lubinski with Audience Builders, goes into detail on how to get it done.  He shows us how one single piece of content can cover an entire week of mortgage loan officer marketing that helps develop strong relationships that provide us revenue for years to come.  

Tune into this one, you’ll be glad you did. 

If you need help with building upon your existing audience, here’s a link to schedule your free call to map that out. 

Info from this podcast:

Find Stefan on Facebook at 

Email Stefan at

Business Focused Texting

Episode 20

On this episode of Loan Officer Gizmos and Gadgets, Frank Garay is joined by Nathan Lafferty with “Hey Market”, a fantastic mortgage business focused texting platform that allows the loan officer’s entire team to be part of any text communications with your referral partners and clients. 

No matter where the team may be — in office or working off site, this tool is ideal for keeping everyone in the loop with the client’s transaction progress and allows each team member to chime in for their respective roles.

Nathan and Frank discuss the many ways this gadget can be used not only with clients and lead campaign set up, but it also serves as a team coordination tool that keeps everyone in the loop. 


For 20% discount:

Powered by: Mortgage Marketing Animals Need help finding areas in your business where you need systems like this? We will help you identify those holes…totally free call to go over just that. Schedule Your Strategy Call Now.

Hidden Gem for Well Priced Work

Episode 19

Welcome back to Loan Officer Gizmos and Gadgets, the podcast for loan originators that want to stay updated with new online gadgets out there and how to incorporate them into your mortgage business. 

Today, your host Frank Garay, shares his experience with using Fiverr and clears up any misconceptions about the services.

Let’s just say this is a hidden gem for a variety of services at very reasonable prices, so if you’re listening to this episode, you are now in on this well-kept secret. Tune in today to learn how Frank has recently used. 

Bonus…Frank also goes over a killer strategy that you can implement to seriously help you and your realtor partners as well!

Need help implementing these gadgets into your DSP (Daily Success Plan) – then hop on a one-on-one call with our team and they’ll map it out for your specific business.

Training Webinars with Luxury

Episode 18

On this episode of Loan Officer Gizmos and Gadgets, Frank interviews Anand Gopinathan with We know that you’ve heard about many webinar products before, but Frank recently hired these guys to help him with an on-demand webinar that he needed to put together and none of the other services out there provided what he was actually looking for. He found and was immediately blown away by the level of attention and service he received. This is not your typical webinar platform; this is luxury stuff. It’s a boutique level product with the service that’s off the charts. You’ve got to trust Frank on this, if training webinars are a part of your business going forward, these guys are worth talking to.

Check it out:

Click here for a FREE business strategy call to map out how you can grow your business with these tools.

The Networking Advantage You Need To Know About

Episode 17

Listen in to this week’s episode of Loan Officer Gizmos and Gadgets, where Frank Garay is joined by guest, Mike Cardascia, a top mortgage strategist and accelerator of coolness over at Mortgage Marketing Animals. 

Today, Mike shares with Frank a way to outreach to your community that is untapped for use in the business world. It’s amazing all the cool things that he does within this website called 

He explains how he went from a nobody that nobody knew, to somewhat of a local celebrity who is known for connecting people within groups that interest them – making him the go to guy.  He goes into detail on how this can help you as a loan officer and how you can incorporate this strategy into your arsenal of marketing tools.

Check it out:

If you want to go over this outreach strategy and much more, specifically designed for your business, pick a day here on the calendar jump on the horn with one of our coaches. <completely free and no obligation>

Be “In the Know” While This Does The Work

Episode 15

On this episode of Loan Officer Gizmos and Gadgets, your host Frank Garay, share some great info about Altos Research. Altos Research is an amazing and easy to use tool that displays real time real estate data in your local market via a beautiful landing page.

It allows your consumers or realtor partners to easily subscribe, meaning they put in their info just like that and your campaigns are set into motion!  

Once again this is a Frank Garay “2 thumbs up” product as not only is he a fan, but an actual user!  

Tune in to hear several ways you can make use of this data!

Powered by Mortgage Marketing Animals

Connect with us one on one to map our your 90-day strategy

Links that go with this episode:

>Win Business with Market Data

Brenda Garay’s Live Real Estate Market Reports for Vacaville, CA