Stop Stalling – Get a Caller NOW

Episode 40

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host Frank Garay interviews Paul Garwol on how he tripled his business by making use of a caller.  

By taking the plunge, Paul quickly went for closing 2 deals a month to a whopping 7 loans closed per month.  What’s even more impressive is he lives in DC, yet all his business is in Atlanta.  Tune in to get inspired and if you want to connect with Paul, you can email him at

If you want more tips and tricks on how to ramp up your business, jump on a 1 on 1 call here and we will go over that exact thing for your business.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

Bonzo – The King of Mortgage Marketing Platforms!

Episode 39

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast with host Frank Garay, you’ll learn about an easy-to-use system that is affordable and scalable to wrap up all your “tech-stack” for your team. 

This system is called Bonzo and it works perfect for loan officers in the mortgage industry. 

Frank likes this so much, he gave it 78.5 thumbs up (no, not a typo). 

If you’re looking for a product that is going to be a game changer for your team, tune in to this podcast, open your laptop, and get ready to start your demo!

We are always striving to find the best things in the business that streamline processes and help you do the things that move the needle. Schedule a free one-on-one with our team and we’ll give you more tips & tricks.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

Attention NEW LO’s – Why you Must be Self-Sourced

Episode 38

Welcome to The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast. This episode is primarily focused on newer loan officers. As a 35+ year vet in the mortgage industry, some of the things Frank is seeing, has prompted this conversation. If you’re new to the mortgage business, it’s critical to start on the right path. That would be the path to becoming “self-sourced”. There are huge benefits to being a self-sourced LO. 

Frank starts off by explaining exactly what self-sourced means as a loan originator. If you don’t know what self-sourced means, press play now and get ready to understand why it’s so very important and how valuable you become to companies. 

To truly define yourself as a loan originator, you must originate loans…shake the tree…get the fruit. 

So, where do you get the deals to become self-sourced? Funny you should ask – Frank goes over all that in this podcast…tune in now.  

Join more of the conversation with Frank Monday through Thursday on the free zoom call – Loan Officer Breakfast Club – 8:30 EST  

Join here:  Loan Officer Breakfast Club

Want more ways to ensure you’re on the right path? Click here to jump on a 1 on 1 coaching call where we will help you map that out.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

Don’t Just Ask for a Referral, Tell Them HOW to refer to You!

Episode 37

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host Frank Garay, will bridge the gap that tends to be the most overlooked when asking for the business. 

At Mortgage Marketing Animals and on the Loan Officer Breakfast Club, coaches preach it all-day-every-day as one of the most important conversations you can have as a loan officer. Asking for the business is the main activity – but wait! There’s another part to it – bridging the gap provides a solid path from A-Z. We need to tell our clients and referral partners “how” to refer to us. If we don’t, we’re missing the mark! 

Tune in today to learn how to implement this critical step and start making sure to bridge that gap today.

Need help putting this plan into action? Jump on a complimentary call with us here and we will help you bridge that gap.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

Put a little sizzle on your outbound Realtor calls

Episode 36

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer, your host Frank Garay, interviews Loan Officer Whitney Schmidt, who has a very cool way of breaking up her Realtor calls.  

Whitney uses a very simple gadget that’s absolutely free of charge and so easy to use.  It’s a free app in your app-store called Bitmoji that you can utilize for a fun spin in your mortgage business.  Tune in today to see how she’s using it, you’ll be glad you did.

For more information on how Mortgage Marketing Animals can help you learn new ways to grow your business, click here to set up a one-on-one FREE coaching call.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

Welcome to Relocator

Episode 35

Welcome to The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your go to podcast for loan officers who want to hear about the latest gizmos, gadgets, and more! 

On this episode, your host Frank Garay, goes over a very cool gadget that costs an originator absolutely nothing, but provides extremely high value to their home buyers. Relocator is much more than a moving checklist, it’s a complete moving experience that’s fully branded to you, doesn’t cost you or your borrower a penny, and even allows you to include your own local service providers as resources for your clients. In the words of Frank, “It’s pretty epic.”

Visit to get and account started and a demo.

Want more of the latest gadgets and gizmos that loan officers must have today? Schedule a call here and our team will share the gold! 

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

Branding your process? Yeah, it’s huge!

Episode 34

Would you choose 3 warm referrals over 100 bought leads? On this episode of Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host Frank Garay shares why he would gladly take those warm referrals any day, all day. 

The real estate agents that loan officers develop business relationships with would most likely choose the warm referrals as well. Well, then, that’s your sign to get to know exactly why in this program, we teach that formula with the Daily Success Plan (or DSP for those who’ve been on the free Loan Officer Breakfast Club zoom meetings).

So, how can you make this happen for your business? What to do, what to say, how to plan it all out…the right way.

Tune in to listen in as Frank gives you all the details.

Hear more ways to bring in more referrals by using our DSP. Click here to schedule a free call with one of our team members.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

Yes, You Can Get Builder Business!

Episode 33

On this episode of Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host Frank Garay, shares another amazing and untapped avenue to get referrals.

Deep inside, every mortgage loan officer wants to get in with a builder and get that walk-in business! Listen, you can do it. You just have to go about it in a particular way, and that way is the Daily Success Plan – what we here at Mortgage Marketing Animals call the DSP. 

Tune in to this podcast and see how Michael Collins made it happen.

There are so many ways to bring in referral business that continue to be overlooked by LOs – that’s why we invite you to jump on a call <no charge> and learn a few of those ways.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

When We Truly “Get It” We Can Overcome Reluctance

Episode 32

On this episode of Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host, Frank Garay, boils the call reluctance issue down to a reality. 

Call reluctance is a prevailing problem with some loan officers, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to overcome it, but we first need to have that eye-opening – aha moment – where we truly “get it”.  The revelation of how impactful it will be when we overcome that challenge as loan officers is immeasurable. Tune in today to hear Frank explain more in detail. 

Find out more ways to overcome challenges in today’s market by hopping on a one-on-one FREE call here with one of our coaches.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at

After an Event, Use ICE

Episode 30

Going to a life-changing event can be the most inspiring two days of your life, but what happens when you get back to your office? 

Listen in to hear your host Frank Garay, go over what he refers to as ICE – and why using this can help you get out of frozen mode and into motion quickly with all the stuff that inspired you!

If you’re a loan originator that is struggling with implementing the game-changing strategies you’ve learned at an event or a course, then you don’t want to miss this episode. 

Learn how to overcome struggles and stay on top of your game by scheduling a one-on-one FREE coaching call today.

If you’re interested in joining a team that supports this kind of personal and professional growth, feel free to schedule a call with me at